
Book Review-2-07:A new classroom

https://www.kinokuniya.co.jp/images/goods/ar/work/imgdata2/FC01984/FC0198482620.JPGThe strange some people come to the children’s school. They are wearing a helmet. So, they are building the barricades. The signboard is written in that “Danger Keep out!” The children are doesn’t know what begins. Next, the truck which load the brocks enter the school and shovel car. The shovel car is joined a big arm and a big scoop. It is begin to dig the school’s open space. The children don’t move that take time. Mrs. May was teach that make the new classroom. The children are very excited. They are examining about new classroom many times. They are makes a book about it. They are written a picture. Next day, the children and Mrs. May makes a study the construction site. They are going to have the person in charge tell them about there. They are makes a base of school in today. The big block is lining up. After that, the crane vehicle is come to the school. The children are very excited. It is carried the classroom itself. The crane vehicle is taking down the new classroom on a base. “Don’t drop” said Chip. Finally, the new classroom is gets on the base. It is all but finished. Then, Biff was notice that something wrong. Something is wrong!! She said and called the teacher. But, Mrs. May can’t listen because she obsessed that take photography. When she sees the classroom, it was upside down. “Nobody were don’t listen my words because, I said that something wrong,” said Biff. The workers were restore the new classroom in a hurry. This is really finished now. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

 Hunt,Roderick Alex Brychta. (2003) A new classroom Oxford University Press,


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