
E 1-02: My treasures

My treasure is my Climbing shoes, Climbing bag and clothes. I bought these shoes at the Tosu outlet mall last year. The plaice was 13,000 yen. The brand is New Balance. Their color is orange and gray. These shoes are very strong because, these shoes are for mountain climbing. The sole is very hard and made in Vibram. This shoes theme is “If you talked for one million steps these shoes will not break!” So, I decided to buy these shoes because, I loved that theme. 

I’m pleased about the fact that they are waterproof and very light!! These shoes are waterproof shoes. If it is raining I don’t worry so I can go out and happy. Then, the other good point is hey are very light. They are climbing shoes but they are very light so it is easy to walk in them.

The next treasure is my Bag. This climbing bag was bought in Busan, Korea last year. The price was 40,000 won. This was about 4,000 yen in Japanese yen. The color is black and it has a brown belt. The brand is Hands Up. The cloth is very strong too. I bought only that one thing in Korea. That time, It was the first foreign travel for myself. I can’t feel that freshness in a place close to me. This bag is cut out for various scenes for mountain climbing, cycling, commute and camping. This bag is can hold a lot of things because it has many pockets.

The last treasure is my Clothes. This is very important. If the clothes is not right, I can’t represent at myself. So, I really value my clothes. I bought them from many places from when I was born to now. I have 2 jackets, 12 shirts, 8 parkas, 7 pairs of denim pants and more. Recently, I bought a jacket, vest and pants. I like that these. I founds there were some other stores too. The color of the jacket is indigo. It seems likely that I choose an indigo color. This jacket was worn one time. I like sensible and strong clothes. I want clothes that are hard to break because, my leg is big. So, the weak clothes are broken in a minute.

I wear my favorite clothes, bag and shoes to go out every day.


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