
Book review-1-02: Monster in the Box

What’s in the box? It’s my friend. A friend in the box? (p.9)

Today, I read an interesting book. It’s my recommendation. The boy’s name is Bobo. He has short hair and black. He is eight years old and wearing glasses. But, he is very short. So, He always gets bullied. One day, Bobo brings the box. “What that?” asked the some boys. That was the white box. “What’s in the box?” asked the boy. “It’s my friend” said Bobo. Bobo gave the some hints to boys. It’s big and has eight legs. But, not a spider. It’s color is pink, blue and yellow!! They were confused. Bobo added. It has got a long tail and a trunk. And A monster!! His name is Jeremy. said Bobo.

Finally, They tried to deprives his box. Then, the box fall. And pink, yellow and blue toy monster in the box. It’s has eight legs and a tail with a trunk. But, It’s became the monster!! It’s not toy.

 The boys was run away quickly. Bobo and Jeremy go home. I didn’t think that was the last. Jeremy was really a monster. But, I thought interesting this story.

This story is simple but interesting. This story makes imagine to reader. Have you read any interesting book later? Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Cristina Ivaldi ; illustrated by Alfredo Belli Genoa : Black Cat Publishing, c1999


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