
Book Review-2-10:The dragon tree

Do you know a creature called the dragon? Another name is Ryu. It is creature of legend. It is has a lot of teeth, large wings, sharp eyes, a long tail, the body covered with scales like the armor and emit fire from mouth and fling in the sky. The dragon is thinking that a creature of fancy. It is worship as a god in Japan. It is called Ryu-jin and Sui-jin. There’s mean are a god of dragon and a god of water. There is mainly the gods about weather. People are imagines the dragon about materialization of the big disaster. The dragon is should fear the existence, the god and should worship the existence. The dragon is the creature called that a snake lived for thousand years. My imagine dragon is King Ghidorah appear in Godzilla and the thousand king dragon. It is has three heads and body is covered the gold scale. It is my most love dragon. Kipper reading a book. The book was about a dragon. Kipper couldn’t read this book’s story. He asks try read a book to Biff but she was refused. She was dislikes the dragon. And, kipper went to Chip’s room. I like dragon, said Chip. Chip read the book. Then, the magic key is shining. It comes to adventure time. Kipper, Chip and Biff were swallows upped with floppy of a dog into a magic house. They took the wood. Floppy didn’t like the wood. He was frightened. “Come on,” said Biff. He doesn’t move. Don’t be silly. He said. An owl flew out from a tree. Floppy didn’t like the owl too. He runs away. Floppy was run out of the wood. “Come back”, called everyone. Floppy ran and ran. They are keeps finding floppy. ”Floppy come back”, they called. They are arrived a tree. It was called “the dragon tree”. The dragon lived under the tree. When they see inside, there is a dragon. He was catching floppy. He so feared. The dragon is going to eat floppy at steak. Biff finds a dragon tail. She was conceives of a good idea. She removed a belt and a tail tied to the end of a tree. They are going to helping floppy. Dragon is completely absorbed in cooking. He doesn’t notice for them. ”Come on”, said Chip. They ran and ran. Then, the dragon is attacked. But, he is doesn’t move because tying his tail. The magic key shining and come to the time for go home. When they arrived home, because I don’t like the dragon, Biff said. If is the dragon living, I think that marvelous. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

 Hunt,Roderick Alex Brychta. (2003) The dragon tree Oxford University Press,


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