
Book Review-2-12:Village in the Snow

As always, the children are playing in the garden of school. Mrs. May called them. The children are enters in the school. Mrs. May is talk about the story to children. It is about the village. It is there into mountain and snow falls in year. She is talking the story continue. The children are like the story. This story’s name is The Village in the Snow. The children were gather in Biff’s house after go home. After that, the magic key shining and come to adventure time. The five were sucked into the toy house. There is a sheet of snow world. There is The Village in the Snow. Kipper is very high spirits. The children are playing with snow. They are makes a snowman, playing ski and a snowball fight. It is looks so happy. I envy them. Snow is not fall quite difficult in Kumamoto. If you play with snow, you have to go to Tohoku region with use air plane. I hope that snow a heavy fall of snow in Kumamoto just for once. Then, Wilma finds a something. It is a little boy. The little boy is pulling a sled with his dog. A sled is carrying a daily necessities and foods. The some big boys ran up there. The big boys are going to push little boy down into ground and a sled kick up, scatter baggage in all directions. And they ran away in fast. The children run up to little boy, helped him. Kipper pick upped little boy’s hut. The little boy told about the big boys to the children. Kipper is so crossed. Kipper has conceives a good idea. He claps little boy's hat on and wears a little boy’s coat. That’s light; he is disguises himself as a little boy. And he is pulling a sled, taking his dog and walking as if nothing had happened. The big boys come again. Seen from a distance, it looked like a little boy. Come on, said a big boy. The big boys attacked again. Then, the hiding children and a little boy are mounts a counterattack. They are attacked with snow balls to big boys. The big boys were scurry go away. But, why the big boys are attacked the little boy for what kind of reason. After that, the children were pulling a sled with on a little boy until his house. He is living with his grandfather. Grandfather is would be delighted to accept. The children and a little boy are talking about the big boys and snow fight to grandfather. The children and a little boy play with snow in outside. In the occasion, the magic key shining and come to go home time. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt, Roderick Alex Brychta. (2003) Village in the Snow Oxford University Press,


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