
E 1-05 : Essay 5: Best or Worst day(s) in your life

 My best day is three different days. Last year, it was the 47th Takuma-sai. I don’t remember about these three days. At the time, I worked as the director in Kousei committee. I became the 57th director of the Kousei committee by April of that year and I had an experienced that various things. I was busy after taking that job.

 The first job, it was the freshman welcome picnic. We were preparing, managing, collecting, and arranging the transportation and more. On that day, it was related about a thousand of people including the concerned, staff, students and teachers.

 This event finished and we entered the summer vacation; my committee is management of all the equipment of college too. So we must check the equipment including tents, desks and chairs for the athletic festival in October. We took for two days to finish about all that. The equipment was about 150 pieces. All of the experience until the present was referenced for this three days.

 The Takuma-sai will start more and more when we finished athletic festival. The first, we were must collect a cardboards. The volume was abnormal. It was so busy!! We were collecting earnestly to cardboards boxes from every single store since September. The volume was filled until the ceiling half of a classroom. Those cardboards boxes are what we use to take care of classroom health. It is for covering the entrances, exits and walls at all the classrooms from 1 floor to 7 floors in building 4th and 11th when we are carrying things because we don’t want to damage the classrooms. During the festival, about hundred clubs are announcing the displays in classrooms and start the branches in campus. Of course, my club is started. We are sold the churros. We had to mix a tofu in dough. Moreover, they were one hundred yen apiece. It is very cheap. It was sold out every day and for all six hundred was sold.

 My works was examination mainly. I was checked that foods and displays were made by clubs with another eight directors. It was so good because, we ate for free. I was able to eat, drink and have good feelings in three days. The best thing was that I able to see smiles of students looking happy. I am happy from just being able to see smiles of students. I thought well that I was keeping on trying on my works until now. I was club side in days of old but, when I was entered Student Associations I understood that this event was supported by many people. The student Associations has to retire after the Takuma-sai. This was the last job. Now, the members of the 58th committee are trying hard. I hope that Takuma-sai of this year will be a success by the new Student Associations.

I felt again that it was important to make bonds with people. I has I can’t do by only myself many things. We can succeed because of people to help us. I keeping my grateful feelings and keeping my important emotions.


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