
Mountain Climbing

Last Sunday, I’m very tired because we went to mount climbing. It is Shiraga-take. It has an elevation of 1715 meters. The way was bad a little. The first, we schedule had been late from the start. It’s about 3 hour. It took 3 hour until arrival. The trail was a rugged road and a graveled path that in the middle. The car was so move up and down. We arrived before noon. It was there a fallen trees and moss into a mountain. We were out of breath because walking up and down hills many times. We didn’t sweat so much because the wind is strong and we were able to feel coolness. We took one hour ten minute until top. The weather was cloudy a little. We were drunk a coffee of new after a boil water in top. It was so delicious. We were disappointed because a foods a bit. And then, after one hour, we started climb down. The return was just taken one hour ten minute. After that, we ate Ramen and got in a hot spring. I was so tired because mountain climbing for the first time in a while. I really appreciate my friend. If we get the chance, we want to mountain climbing. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

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