
Movie Review-1-04:ANGELA

Today, I introduce about my favorite movie. That is ANGELA. His name is Andre and 28 years old. He is at the bottom of Fortune's wheel just now. He must pay back to two people by the end of the day. But, he is penniless. Finally, he tries to drown himself in a river on a bridge in the Seine. But, he looks to the right. The beautiful woman of taller was down herself in a river before him. He was save her in a flurry. Why did this happen?  He asked. The reason is same with you. She said. She’s name is ANGELA and she has mysterious atmosphere. He is act with her. She is gives a hand to him for paying him debt. Then, where are you from? He asked. I came from heaven because, I’m an angel and I came to save you. I’m your internal. She said. Andre starts to realize that true self with her in spend time together. And at last, it’s time to go back her because, he was dispose of debt. Andre was knows feelings of oneself. He cry I love you so much to Angela. But, she must go back because, I’m angel. And, I not have past. Then, I learned so important thing from you. That is don’t never lie to myself. But, isn't it you lie to yourself? And, don’t lie to myself. He tells desperately that love. She is so puzzled. Can they will come to a happy ending? I saw this movie for the first time in ten years ago. In the climax, I was so impressed that the scene that he appealing to Angela. Angela so cute because, she always dynamic and bold but, she really delicate and pure. My best love story. Please see it once. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.


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