
Book Review-2-03:The new baby

Today’s book is The New Baby. The baby is cute isn’t it? When I watch a baby, I become happy. Childbirth is so impressed but I get a little worried. It is mothers and baby’s life is at stake. Mother is childbirth at the risk of she's life. Man is dies because they can’t endure this pain of childbirth. After all, the woman is strong. I respect the woman. Jo’s husband and wife are brought good news to Wilma’s house. She was pregnant. They're over the moon. Wilma’s mam was finds a baby carriage from ministorage. But, it was break a little. Wilma’s dad is repairing it. Wilma was told to Biff and Chip in a minute. They told to mother and father in a minute. Biff and Chip’s parents were set up a child bed and new mattress. But, it was dirty a little. This good news delivered to Kipper. He was set up a stopped using that a toys by Biff and Chip. After all, it was break a little. Why their prepared things has been breaking everything. And, Kipper told about good news to Ms. Green of the school. Kipper and children don’t know about baby. Ms. Green was gather parents of children, told about the baby to children. They were learns about the baby. And, they were makes a book about baby. That book was given to Jo. The childbirth time came soon. They were so nervous. In the end, Jo’s baby is born. A girl. She’s name is Vicky. They have taken a picture. My dear friend will bear too soon. I’m so worry and pressure but it is other people’s affairs. My friend will become father soon. . I don't know why, it is tickle feel. I hope that my friend will blessed with child. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt, Roderick  Alex Brychta. (2003) The new baby Oxford University Press,

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E-2-03: Toy Story

This movie is my favorite movie. It is Toy Story. This movie is I saw first movie I saw from when I was born. It is most famous toy movie. The toys live and the story is that they will go to big adventure. At the time, I bought the video and after that, I watched several times. The story is almost in my mind. The main character is Woody, toy of cowboy figure and the leader of the toys. And, he is most favorite toy of Andy. He is always takes good care of toys. But, they have a rule. It is that they don’t reveal themselves to humans. Today is the birthday of Andy. A new toy will come soon. The toys and Andy are excited. But, only Woody is getting nervous. He thought that if a better toy than me comes, Andy’s favorite position was taken by it.

Then, the new toy was come. His name is Buzz Lightyear. He is another main character. He is a space hero toy and the latest model. His back has wings attached and a laser on his arm. He wearing a helmet and he think that if it is opened, he can’t breathe. He thinks that he is really space hero and he can fly. Woody and Buzz go out of the house because they are to get involved in an incident. They must get back from outside to house because Andy will soon move to another town. They are meeting some little green men in a restaurant that has a spaceship motif. They are some facing everyone and so many there. They are taking them to somewhere in there by Sid who lives next to Andy’s house. He is feared and called a toy killer by the toys. His toys have everything altered. Woody and Buzz is meets scary toys in Sid’s house. My most feared scene is the scene where the Baby face enters and the scene where the little green men enter. I was so scared about this when I was a child. I was impressed that Sid’s toys are good toys and the scene where they were healing a broken toy. Woody and Buzz punished Sid in cooperation with them. They were able to understand the importance and make Sid have a fear of toys. At the end, they were able to get back to Andy because they succeeded in the operation planned by Woody.

This movie was the world's first animation of full CG. At the time, it took a one week to make an image of three minutes. This movie took so much labor and time. But, it got a large income and won many prizes. Toy Story is concealing various devices in works. It is a point which you can be enjoyed. The Toy Story 4 will be released in 2017. I'm looking forward to that.

This movie is You Tube’s movie. The movie’s content is reproduces the Toy Story 1 perfectly with really use a Toy Story’s toy. It was made in every detail politely. It is very interesting movie. The image is synchronizing with watch a movie. Please look at this movie. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.



Book Review-2-02: Vanishing Cream

Do you believe the invisible man? I think that probably he is exists. Because, the curious thing is happen to somebody and I think that it should be interesting. If you can become the invisible man, what will you do? I think that everything. Chip and Biff is makes a mini theater. Biff is color coat, Chip is makes the characters. The day of the recital, the character is Wizard Blot. He is not good at magic a little. The audience roared with laughter by it. The mini theater was a big success. That day, Biff and Chip go to in toys house by a magic key. The destination was wizard Blot’s house. He is calling two people quickly. He seems honorable a little. He needs a helper. When enter his room, there is worst. The laundry is so much, the shelf is has gotten cluttered, the washes is big bowl and the room was in total disorder. Biff and Chip is started with reluctance. The first, they were has washes. It is don't know when that will end because so much. When it is finished, the next is the laundry and a house-cleaning of room. Even only this is have a considerably hard time. The last is shelf. When Biff arranges it, she is dropped a bottle in an unguarded moment. They were clean up it in a fluster. Biff looks an explanation of bottle. It was written about vanishing cream. When they clean up, a content of bottle stick to Chip’s hand. Then, Chip’s hand is become transparent by degrees. Notice it; the Biff’s hand which pointed at it was become transparent too. In the end, both vanished and leave only wear. Then, a strange man comes to the house from the window. He came to steal the magic of Blot. He doesn't see two figures. Chip and Biff was repels a man. He was run away in a panic. Chip took back a magic disk to Blot. It was time to go home. Thank you, I’m saved, do come again. He said. They were get back to the house. a little bottle dropped from Chip’s pocket. It was vanishing cream. Wow!! Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt,Roderick  Alex Brychta. (2003)Vanishing cream Oxford University Press,


E-2-02: Cool Hand Luke

Today’s review is Cool Hand Luke. Anyway, my impression about this movie I watched that the main character’s Paul Newman is too cool. It is too slick that the man is so good with a smile. He was lavishing his dazzling smiles to everyone. The beginning of the story is a scene of Luke cutting off a parking meter. But, he was drinking in this time. In spite of that his prison term is two years. It is too long. And, he said about his reason that just to kill time. But, I seems like he commit a crime and entered the prison knowingly. I think that the criminal liability is not so strong because he was drunk. He had a heart like a boy. He was attracts intense interest of everyone by it. I think that he was able to succeed eating the fifty eggs because he has a sense of humor. And, the point I like is that he makes a pretense of being penitent and acts like a different prisoner. The pretense scene was the greatest. I think that he has various abilities. Paul Newman is a bewitching actor. His way of expressing was so free. They were spend time freely but in the prison. They drink a coke, play cards, gambling, enjoy the music and watch a woman and are excited. It was the appearance of liberty. It was beautiful that the method of not thinking they have in prison. However, the jailer’s expression was in contrast to theirs. The jailer with the sunglass is an example. I don't know what he's thinking with an expressionless face and he has an uncommon ability with the rifle. His scariness was so conspicuous. I think that it seems he enjoys the prisoners because of his existence. But, I surprised that the scene of Luke’ last scene was too sudden. It was a little shock. I don’t think that the last would be like that. And, Luke was doesn’t forget a smile until the last. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.



Book Review-2-01:A Fright in the Night

Today’s book is A Fright in the Night. Today is about Gran’s house. Biff and Chip stay in gran’s house in today. They will so excite. They were sent theirs mom. When they are arrived a house, they go to second floor. There is bed room and two beds. Biff is chose a bed by a door and Chip is chose a bed by a window. They are going out from afternoon and go to pick a blackberry. They are picks many and make a jam. They will make jams after getting home. It could jams ten portions too because picked many. Gran lit a fire in the fireplace in evening. Biff was help that lit a fire. Chip was carry firewood with gran. Then, Chip was asks a question. Do you have watch a ghost? There are no such things. She said. After that, they are gathers together by a fireplace and baked breads. Then, they ate bread dipped handmade jam. It comes the bedtime. Chip and Biff go to second floor and into bed. But, they can’t get sleep. They were playing ghost using sheet. Then, Chip was finds a white figure in garden. They becoming fear and go to seeking help to Gran. But, Gran wasn’t downstairs. Then, suddenly, open the door and the white figure come into the room. When they shout, it will show a true identity. It was Gran. Biff and Chip was given a sigh of relief. Biff said that you looked a ghost. She just went to go look for a cat of pets. Gran’s house is so keep calm and give a relieved. But at the same time, it is weird a little and seen that fear don’t you? By the way, where was Gran sleep? Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.  

Hunt, Roderick  Alex Brychta (2003) A Fright in the Night Oxford University Press, 
