
Book Review-2-02: Vanishing Cream

Do you believe the invisible man? I think that probably he is exists. Because, the curious thing is happen to somebody and I think that it should be interesting. If you can become the invisible man, what will you do? I think that everything. Chip and Biff is makes a mini theater. Biff is color coat, Chip is makes the characters. The day of the recital, the character is Wizard Blot. He is not good at magic a little. The audience roared with laughter by it. The mini theater was a big success. That day, Biff and Chip go to in toys house by a magic key. The destination was wizard Blot’s house. He is calling two people quickly. He seems honorable a little. He needs a helper. When enter his room, there is worst. The laundry is so much, the shelf is has gotten cluttered, the washes is big bowl and the room was in total disorder. Biff and Chip is started with reluctance. The first, they were has washes. It is don't know when that will end because so much. When it is finished, the next is the laundry and a house-cleaning of room. Even only this is have a considerably hard time. The last is shelf. When Biff arranges it, she is dropped a bottle in an unguarded moment. They were clean up it in a fluster. Biff looks an explanation of bottle. It was written about vanishing cream. When they clean up, a content of bottle stick to Chip’s hand. Then, Chip’s hand is become transparent by degrees. Notice it; the Biff’s hand which pointed at it was become transparent too. In the end, both vanished and leave only wear. Then, a strange man comes to the house from the window. He came to steal the magic of Blot. He doesn't see two figures. Chip and Biff was repels a man. He was run away in a panic. Chip took back a magic disk to Blot. It was time to go home. Thank you, I’m saved, do come again. He said. They were get back to the house. a little bottle dropped from Chip’s pocket. It was vanishing cream. Wow!! Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt,Roderick  Alex Brychta. (2003)Vanishing cream Oxford University Press,

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