
E-2-01: Review1 Burn Notice

I chose Burn Notice from the three choices. It is a popular TV drama in America. The series goes until season 7. I will talk about season 1 today. The main character is Michael Westin. He is a shrewd spy . I like the TV programs and movies that are spy dramas. It is 007 or Mission:Impossible. Recently, a famous spy movie is Kingsman. Have you watched Kingsman? It is stylish. The spy this time is a little different. He is a smart spy but who has a warm heart. He can’t leave a person in trouble alone. And he is a former spy. One day, someone called up to him during a mission and he was suddenly fired from the organization. The Burn Notice of the title means a notice of dismissal. At that moment, he lost his job. And he was stranded penniless because they froze his accounts. But, the good news is that his knowledge and techniques were not confiscated.

He has reliable friends. Sam is a former military man who loved wine and woman deeply. He is Michael’s particular friend. He always is drinking and playing with women but is a former soldier. He makes free use of an original intelligence network and offers various information to Michael. Fiona is Michael’s former lover and former spy. I don’t still understand the reasons they broke up. If I continue to see drama, I would understand those reasons. She has beauty and combat skill. And she is expert of explosive. I think that beauty and strong woman is so cool. Michael is started working as detective in cooperation with the two because so he could find the ringleader of this incident. And he interprets the meaning of the truth of the matter. I was so concerned about the continuation of a story from this. So, I will watch a sequel from now. See you later. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.


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