
Book review-1-05 Dutch Adventure

Today, this time book is story relating to a cheese. Do you like cheese? I like cheese very much. If the cheese not that dish will very boring. What kind of cheese do you like? I like camembert, mozzarella and cheddar. Camembert is very simple and plain. The taste is creamy and smooth. Camembert cheese is easy to eat. Mozzarella is very fresh. Fresh is so important. It looks like rice cake. It’s very delicious to eat a pizza with topped mozzarella. My favorite food is pizza. Cheddar cheese is most a real cheese. It goes well with any kind of cooking. The taste is I feel so deep. I think the cheese is one of spice because it is adds an accent to dishes. Well, these preliminaries have gone on too long. This time story is appear a cheese. The cheese is using for various purposes in story. For eat, stop the water and hide the jewels. How do you think? Other than eat, it has another ways a lot of more. How do you use the cheese? To eat or what? Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Roderick Hunt, Alex Brychta. Oxford University Press, 2003


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