
Movie review-1-03:As Good as It Gets

Today, I introduce from I have ever seen one of those. That is “As Good as It Gets”. This mean is romance novelist. This movie is love story. Melvin of hero is acid-tongued romance novelist of super favorites. But, he was obsessed with cleanliness. The soap is use only one time. The key of door is two places and an opening and shutting repeat five times for check. When walk road, he don’t walk absolutely on the edge of brock. He too eats that the regulation restaurant and the seat decided by himself. If you have already on seat another, he is force out. The knife and fork is plastic that brought by himself. He had reasons that come to restaurant.

That, he trusts only Carol who workings waitress in this restaurant. Of course, he is not talking anyone but her. Carol is a single mother and her son has chronically asthmatic. And, Melvin wills concern about her little by little. Melvin wills work hard to lots of things for beloved about her. Can his love will success?  The ending is please confirms that with your own eyes. I have like words in this movie. That word is “You’ve made want to be a better man.” I like this ever so much. I was able to feel his feelings. Are you in love now? Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.


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