

Do you know about “Drone”? Recently, it’s attention given by the public. Last month, the event was occurred that drone found in the housetop of the prime minister’s official residence. The government receives the result to provide the rule immediately. Drone is unmanned aircraft of stand-alone. If it’s joining a camera you can see that uncommon sight places. It’s succeeding in disaster site and more. Nepal earthquake an occurred the other day and the hazard map was made by drone from aerial shoot. The scale was able to comprehend from that date and it was useful for rescue of human life. The drone is using to an experimental deliver of pizza in Russia.

This time, the government made the rules. But, there were very cheap. The rules were a system of registering and a system of license. However, there rules is can get anybody and very easy. This won’t serve the purpose. I felt that it’s should has made for the time being. When the accident so that you can excuse. If make the rule you must make for firmly. However, drone has many possibilities hidden. It is manufactured goods for highly useful. I think that you must think about value of drone from now on. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.


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