
My Lunch Time

 Yesterday, I went to lunch in evening. I was international experience in there. Today, I will talk about it. I went to “Katuretu-tei.” It is Tonkatu restaurant. There are so many people because it is lunch time. I waited a little and sat down in my seat. I already decided that what my order. It is a daily special bento. I was choose a set meal with two “fillet cutlets” and “ebi fly.” Then, a man comes to here and he took the seat next to me. At first, I was don't mind that. While I was waiting, handing a smart phone, I was waiting a dish. Then, my side man is looking a menu. But, something was strange. He looks like Japanese, but he talking English. He was a foreigner. And, when he chose a dishes from a menu, he looks doesn’t decide it because write on Japanese. And, he was catch a clerk, he was request a menu written in English to the clerk in English. This restaurant was prepared the menu written in English, the clerk bring it soon. I surprised that a foreigner become come to the restaurant of Kumamoto in Japan. I take a view around, 30% of gusts was foreigner. It is almost Korean and Chinese, American is few people. He looking a menu, in finally, started decide dishes. After then, the lunch which my choose is brought my table. The sauce is gets ready a Japanese style and a Western style. Sesame which on the table I take in mortar and pound it, it mixed my either sauce, I can eat it. Fillet cutlets was cut half, cabbage is large serving garnish. Ebi fly is only one, it was bad luck. But, a coating was flied crunchy. When you order in this restaurant, you can open order that rice, miso soup and cabbage. When I take eating a lunch, he seems decide his order. But, the clerks are moves around with busy, they don’t notice to him. He try order to clerk but he can’t it. So, I was tell the clerk, I tell that he want to order. And, in finally, he was able to tell his order. After then, I am go on eat my lunch, his lunch is brought his table. He was ordered a lunch of pork loin cutlet. But, he don’t looks understand that how to make of sauce. I was understand it, I tell that pound sesame and you can mixed and your like sauce to him. He was bow slightly once. And, I was add Japanese mustard to sauce and eat a cutlet, finished a lunch. I take drink a tea, relaxed, I stand up for the check. Then, he was reach for his hand to me, he want to shake hand. I was shakes hand to him with surprised. And, “Thank you”, he said. I surprised that his politeness and that situation. That happened in a flash but, I felt that glad time. Thank you for reading until the end. My blog is last in today. See you.



Book Review-2-17:The laughing princess

This time, it is may be the last book review. It is about the princess who couldn’t laugh. Chip had reading a book. It is about a princess who couldn’t laugh. Nobody could make her laugh. Chip had an idea. It is try makes me laugh somebody. The first, Biff come to make laugh to Chip. She was make a funny face and funny goods on her head. But, it is not good. The next, Kipper come to here. He has a teeth’s toy. It was so funny. They were had laugh. Then, the magic key shining, come to the adventure time. When they noticed, there is the village. They saw a notice on a tree. It was about a princess who couldn’t laugh. There was had gathering funny persons. They going to there for laugh the princess. The children were decided to join this festival. The hall is waiting the king in there. The first, the participants is must laugh to the king. But, it had gone wrong. Chip notice that he has still a teeth’s toy. The next, is the children’s turn come. They were shows a teeth’s toy. Then, the king and another people were laughing. They were had so laugh. The king thinks that it is will can make laugh a princess. Then, Kipper dropped a teeth’s toy, a dog going to steel it. They were panic and chase a dog. A dog is run and run; they are run and run too. The king is fells down on a foul road. He was covered with mud. Finally, Chip was catches a dog. But, a teeth’s toy is broken. The king was so sad because, he think that we might not be able to make a princess. When they go to the castle, open the window, get out a princess. And, she is started laugh. They were can’t understand that reason of she laugh. In fact, she is looks people who muddy and laughed. The children, the king and people were had highly glad. They are keep laugh forever. After all, the smile is best. Then, the children were goes to home. Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt, Roderick Alex Brychta. (2003) The laughing princess Oxford University Press,


My hobbies

I have many hobbies. My hobby is movie, music, the car and soccer and more. My favorite singer is JUJU. She’s voice is so high and amazing. She’s makes lyrics is very beautiful. My recommendation she’s song is “Dreamer”. It is about the people who hope the dream yourself and way of make your dream. When I listen this song, I was gets a power and I can feel impression. Please listen it. My favorite movie is National treasure. It is adventure movie. It is my love movie’s genre. It is series 1 and 2. Ben Gates of the main character is the historian and the adventurer or treasure hunter. He was gets two friends; they go to looking the Freemasonry’s treasures. At the last, you will surprise the last scene. My favorite soccer player is Nakata Hidetoshi. Because, He is big effects gave my life. He is very nice player and he was retirement in 2007. But, after then, he is keep activity from now. He is so people who wonderful and respectable for me. Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.


The Avengers

"This summer gathers the strongest. Japan, this is MOVIE."

This movie is my most recommendation movie in this year. This movie is appearance the strongest heroes. Prodigy as not in the cards IRON MAN, Justice as not in the cards CAPTAIN AMERICA, Vigor as not in the cards Thor, Allure as not in the cards Black Widow, Tergiversation as not in the cards Hulk, Legerity as not in the cards Hawkeye and Crackerjack as not in the cards Nick Fury. And my best hero of them all is IRON MAN. Because, I think he participate actively one the most in this movie. This movie getting thirty six titles and it has already the third place in the previous box office all over the world. This is No.1 work in history of Disney. Maybe it is will soon the first place in the previous box office all over the world. I wish it very much. This movie's Open day is July 28. Everybody, please go to see it!! Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.

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The Dark Night Rises

"The Legend is Ends" Today, I introduce about one of my recommendation movies. It is “The Dark Night Rises”. This movie is The Dark Night series a work of last. This time, the world after 8 years is a stage from the last Dark night. Of course, Hero is Bruce Wayne the role of Batman. And, new heroine is Selina Kyle the role of Catwoman. She is the woman wrapping very much in the mystery. Enemy is Bane. He is very cruel professional killer but, he is as clever as Batman. Moreover, his purpose is destroys the Gothan city. Will he defend towns against the Bane? This time’s enemy was so strong and smart. I think that Batman was suffers. When you see the last scene, do you think that it is end? If you see the last scene, you will cry. Star is "Christian Bale" of the role of Bruce Wayne and, Batman. "Anne Hathaway" is the role of Selina Kyle. And, Catwoman, Tome Hardy of the role of Bane. "Galy Oldman" of the role of Jim Gordon and, "Morgan Freeman" of the role of Lucius Fox, also appear. This movie’s sound is very excited and so good. It was powerful sounds. Director is Christopher Nolan. Open day is July 28. Everybody, please go to see it!! Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.


Foreign countries

This time, I am talk about foreign country. The Spain is delicious foods, beautiful place and the historic buildings in there. I was study about the Spanish. My favorite foreign country is Spain. The capital is Madrid, and about 5 million people. It has beautiful cities and many the cultural heritages. Especially, Alhambra, Altamira cave and Temple of Sagrada Familia are very famous. The temple of Sagrada Familia has not been completed yet, and the complete schedule is called 2026 after Gaudi's posthumous one hundred year. I would like to see one some at once before I die. I like Spain's foods, especially; it is Iberian pig, paella and ram chop steak. There is very delicious. I want to eat paella. It is base the rice and attached sea foods. It is effect the fish and shellfish soup and delicious very much. The Iberian pig is effect for salt taste but at last, you can feel a sweet flavor. It is take becomes a flavor more one chews. The heartiest sport is soccer. It is Spain represent and FC Barcelona. The two teams so famous soccer team in Spain and the world. The two teams so beautiful play and so strong. It is called the king. I want to go to Spain soon. I want to eat about delicious foods and sweets. And, I want to feel another country’s sensations. Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.

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