
Book Review-2-14:Red Planet

Wilf and chip are making the rocket in the garden. They are ride on the finished rocket and they started a countdown. It will soon the take off. “The rocket is going to take off,” said Wilf. “Five, four, three, two,” then, Floppy of a dog comes to here. He will want to ride it. Go away, Floppy,” called Chip. Floppy was not rides on the rocket. Then, Nadim was come to play there. He has comes bringing his computer. He was looks the homemade rocket and he had interest that it soon. He was wants to ride the rocket too. Just then, the rain was coming down. Finally, they don’t play outside. They were gives up that play the rocket. Then, they were decides that play with use Nadim’s computer in his room. They are started a computer game. It’s the computer game’s name is Red Planet. They are playing the rocket in that game. And, the rocket was land on the star. But, Wilf and Chip are crushed the rocket many time. They were this game about not good. Nadime was so good about this game. Then, the magic key is shining and come to the adventure time. There is the space base. Their front of eye is standing the silver color rocket higher than buildings. They were wants to look inside the rocket. They were enters the rocket’s inside. And, they are arrived the rocket’s control room. The various maters, numbers, radars, mics, buttons and a control stick is line. They don’t know that which for what things. Then, Floppy is rans up on the desk, it pushed the button. At that moment, the countdown is started. “Five, four, three, two, one,” When the countdown is stopped, the rocket was fire. “Oh no,” said Chip. “I don’t know where we are going.” The rocket is fast rising up, finally, it go out the space. Three people and one were bodily feels that zero gravity. The body is float lightly; don’t move that as they wish. Nadim was finds the boots. He was put on it and he was instructs that put on the boots to them. “We must put these boots on,” he said. “They will keep us down on the floor.” So, they don’t worry about the float. They went to the window, look out the outside. The various shapes and colors stars shining in the space. Then, come to looking the big red planet. “We are going to land on that planet,” said Nadim. ”We will soon be there.” They prepared that landing to red planet. Nadim was control that it. Somehow, they succeeded that landing in safe. Is this thanks to that game too? That planet is covering the red rubbish. So, there are red rocks and red mountains. Floppy is barking to outside from the window. There is maybe doesn’t grow the trees. They were changes the space wear. The buggy is housed to under the rocket. “Do you think it will be safe outside?” asked Chip. ”I don’t know,” said Wilf. Three people mand one were ride on the buggy. The body is shaking hard because the load’s condition not good. Then, suddenly, ground was split, opened the big hole. They are fells down to into that hole. They are fell down and down inside the planet. They all landed with a bump. The space buggy landed with a crush and broke in two. They were inside a big cave. “What a place,” said Wilf. ”Look at it.” Chip looked at the space buggy. ”It’s broken,” he said. “It’s had it.” ”How will we are get back to the rocket?” Then, Floppy is barking. There is the creature. They are looked like funny little people. That creature’s head is like the cat and creature that the body is like the grasshopper. They are climbed on the space buggy and pulled out a spacesuit. One of them is meddled the air valve of Floppy’s suit. Then, Floppy’s suit is ballooned large and floating lightly in the air. Floppy was so panic. Wilf had a good idea. He was takes out unmanned space suit and revolves the air valve. That space suit is ballooned large like balloon. They are attached a rope it, three people and one were hanging on it. They were just float; they broke out to the cave. Then after, they are control use the air valve, they are reached to the rocket. They were enters the rocket inside, prepare that return in control room. When they are meddled the machine, the magic key shining and come to time for go back home. Three people and one were goes back to home. Three people are exciting until now. “I like that adventure,” said Wilf. But, only Floppy is goes to his house soon
because felt fear. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt, Roderick Alex Brychta(2003) Red planet Oxford University Press,


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