
Book Review-2-17:The laughing princess

This time, it is may be the last book review. It is about the princess who couldn’t laugh. Chip had reading a book. It is about a princess who couldn’t laugh. Nobody could make her laugh. Chip had an idea. It is try makes me laugh somebody. The first, Biff come to make laugh to Chip. She was make a funny face and funny goods on her head. But, it is not good. The next, Kipper come to here. He has a teeth’s toy. It was so funny. They were had laugh. Then, the magic key shining, come to the adventure time. When they noticed, there is the village. They saw a notice on a tree. It was about a princess who couldn’t laugh. There was had gathering funny persons. They going to there for laugh the princess. The children were decided to join this festival. The hall is waiting the king in there. The first, the participants is must laugh to the king. But, it had gone wrong. Chip notice that he has still a teeth’s toy. The next, is the children’s turn come. They were shows a teeth’s toy. Then, the king and another people were laughing. They were had so laugh. The king thinks that it is will can make laugh a princess. Then, Kipper dropped a teeth’s toy, a dog going to steel it. They were panic and chase a dog. A dog is run and run; they are run and run too. The king is fells down on a foul road. He was covered with mud. Finally, Chip was catches a dog. But, a teeth’s toy is broken. The king was so sad because, he think that we might not be able to make a princess. When they go to the castle, open the window, get out a princess. And, she is started laugh. They were can’t understand that reason of she laugh. In fact, she is looks people who muddy and laughed. The children, the king and people were had highly glad. They are keep laugh forever. After all, the smile is best. Then, the children were goes to home. Thank you for my reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt, Roderick Alex Brychta. (2003) The laughing princess Oxford University Press,


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