
Food/eating habits

 This time, I will talk about the food /eating habits. I was hardly take breakfast. But, it is knows that is very bad because, my mother is making the breakfast every morning. And, it is bad for my body. Therefore, I'm very thankful my mother. However, I eat lunch well. I usually was eating bread, rice and ra-men. And, I certainly eat dinner with my family!! Too, it is delicious because eat together with everybody. My favorite food is a lot of too. I dare said it, I like suki-yaki, ra-men, pizza and pasta. And my most likely food is sweets. My favorite ra-men is Hao-rai Ra-men. It is about horse fat ra-men. So, it is color is black. It is soup was made on horse fat. And, this ra-men is so many volume. It is so many vestibules on it. But, it is has a sad point. It is place is in Hitoyoshi. I can’t go to frequently there. I wanted to build my near place. But, I want to go to there again and want to eat it. Because, it was so delicious. It is price is 660 yen. Please try to go to Hitoyoshi and try to eat it. I love pizza too. My most likely pizza is Genovese. It was made pizza of basil base. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.


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