
Book Review-2-13:The hunt for gold

The gold is charm the people one of the all mineral resources. At the moment, it is trading as an expensive thing every day in the world. And the value is continues rising every year too. This time, the story that the people who dream about the gold. Wilma’s mam put on the beautiful bracelet of the gold. Wilma's mam was washing her hands at the sink. She had the bracelet on. One of the charms
fell off the bracelet, and it went down the plug hole. Wilma's mam was so worry. The bracelet is not gets because it was into the inner part. Chip is going to call his mam. She can get the charm out, he said. Chip’s mam was finds in easy a Wilma’s mams bracelet of the gold. Wilma's mam was glad to get it back. The children went to Biff's bedroom. They are talking about the gold. Then, the magic key shining and comes to the adventure time. There is big river side. A boy and a girl were looking for something in the water. The boy and the girl had big pans. They scooped up little stones from the river. The boy and girl got angry when they saw the children. ”This is our bit of river, “they shouted. The children were not knows about what it. And, “go and look for gold somewhere else.” The boy shouted. Wilf gave the boy and the girl some gum. They hadn’t seen chewing gum before. They didn’t know what to do with it. The boy was called Luke and the girl was called Alice. They are live in the river side. They are four families and the father and the mother. Luke and Alice’s family are keeps finding the gold every day. The family hadn’t found any gold, and Luke and Alice were always hungry. “Do you want to help us?” said Luke. The children helped look for gold. Wilf and Biff is helped Luke’s father, Wilma and Chip helped Alice and Luke. It was very hard works. Because, it was work into the river, the rivers water is so cold and wet. The strength was steel soon.”We do this works every day,” said Luke, “and we still haven’t found any gold.” So, they have to find the gold. Then, Luke’s father shouted in suddenly. “The Gold” he shouted. Finally, we were finds the gold. He was picks up the big grain of the gold. And he was glad with jumped up. Everyone ran to see. Everyone has seen the gold. It is a big and size about the nut, it is so heavy. They were buys the gold going to the town. The children went to town with Luke’s father and mother. Luke and Alice were excited. “We can buy some food,” said Luke. “We can buy new clothes,” said Alice. “And some chewing gum,” said Luke. “What is it the chewing gum?” asked Luke’s father. Then, the few men are waiting on the middle of road. They are aim the Luke’s gold. They are has the guns and shotguns. Wilf has a god idea. He spoke to all the children. “Give me your chewing gum,” he said. “Give me all the old chewing gum, and give me the gold.” The men were come near to the children and searching the articles of values. They were all searching that their bug, having things and until into the pocket. “We are just a poor family, we haven’t got any money and we haven’t funds any gold,” said Luke’s father. The men searching into father’s an artificial leg too. But, it is not find the articles of values. The men were going to over there with give up. However, where was the gold? In fact, it was sticky under the wagon used the chewing gum which Wilf was together. In safe, the gold was doesn’t need to steal. They were finally arrived to town. And, they are goes to an encashment place of town; the gold was exchanged to money. After that, Luke’s father is bought a new wagon. It was bigger than the old one. The mother is bought a lot of foods. Luke and Alice were bought a new clothe each other. They were load baggage on a new wagon. It was so hard work because the baggage so many. They were come back to the river. The children were restarts the gold searching. Then, suddenly, Biff saw a little yellow speck in the pan. “It’s very small,” she said. Just then, the magic key shining and come to time for go home. The children go back to their home. The little grain of the gold is shining on Biff’s hand. Thank you for reading until the end. See you soon.

Hunt,Roderick Alex Brychta (2003) The hunt for gold Oxford University Press,

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